Yogaprasta A Nugraha, M.Si
- Pendidikan Terakhir: S2
- NIDN : 0407128503
- NIP : 0641 025 628
- H-Indeks GS/SCOPUS/Sinta: 8
- Sinta ID: 6087781
- Scholar ID: MUTg7FAAAAAJ&hl
- Scopus ID:
- orcid :
- Publon : GPS-6732-2022
- Bidang Keahlian: Rural and Agricultural Regeneration, Rural Communication
- Fokus Riset : Rural - Youth Studies, Agricultural and Rural Narratives, Agricultural and Rural Regeneration
- CV : >> Unduh
- Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.